National Day of Prayer: Bringing people together

Posted On: Thursday, 02 May 2024
praying hands

Guest blog post by 2023-2024 ALA National Chaplain Brister Thomas
On this National Day of Prayer, let us come together as a community, bound by our shared faith and hope, to lift our voices in prayer and reflection. 
It’s a moment to acknowledge the profound impact of prayer, which brings us together, provides comfort in moments of hardship, and motivates acts of empathy and kindness among people of all beliefs.
In a nearby church, a group of women gathered for their regular Bible study session. Among them sat Amy, carrying the heavy burden of grief following the loss of her husband, a courageous Navy pilot.
As everyone gathered around the table to discuss the weekly topic, Amy’s sorrow was palpable, her words weighed down by grief. Her husband’s brave service had left a void that seemed insurmountable.
Seeking strength, Amy asked the group to join in prayer. As everyone interlocked hands and lifted their voices to share their burdens, a sense of grace filled the room. Amy’s shoulders eased; her clenched fists relaxed. In that moment, she found a fleeting sense of solace, realizing she was not alone in her sorrow.   
Through Amy’s experience, everyone bore witness to the essence of prayer — a shared lifeline that connects us to something greater.

Prayer embraces people, strengthens hearts, and graces our lives.  

Today serves as a reminder that prayers bring healing to the wounded, solace to the grieving, peace to the troubled, and hope to the despairing — seeking those in need to encircle them and seeking ourselves when in need of support.
As this year’s National Day of Prayer encourages:
“Lift up the word.
Light up the world.”


ALA Mission

In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.